LinkedIn Email Address API
The Linkedin Finder facilitates the retrieval of verified email addresses associated with professionals' profiles.
Essential for finding an email address are:
Tomba's Linkedin Finder leverages a comprehensive public email database to accurately locate contact details.
Every email address is verified for free before delivery. Those marked with a green "Verified" shield are confirmed deliverable and can be used confidently.
Email addresses without verification are evaluated and provided with a confidence score to reflect their probable accuracy.
Email address retrieval can occur through two methods:
Regardless of the method, each email address undergoes a verification process.
Certainly! The Bulk Linkedin Finder allows for the upload of a CSV file to append it with email addresses or to conduct searches using our Google Sheets add-on.
Besides the Linkedin Finder, Tomba's Domain Search feature is available for locating email addresses linked to specific websites or companies, aiding in identifying key contacts.
If the Linkedin Finder does not yield results, consider verifying:
Each successful email retrieval through the Linkedin Finder constitutes one search request. If no email is found, the search is free of charge.
Users with a free account are entitled to up to 25 searches per month. For additional requirements, the pricing page offers further details.
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