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While Tomba primarily operates on a subscription basis, you may contact our customer service for one-time usage options.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings.
Yes, you can share your subscription with your team members, depending on your subscription plan.
When you use the Domain Search, a search request is counted every 10 email addresses returned (every page). For example, if you fetch 176 results from a domain, 18 requests will be counted.
When there is no result, it's free.
One search request is counted for each email found using the Email Finder. If the email address can't be found, it's free.
One verification requests is counted for each email verified.
The personal email addresses (like from Gmail or Outlook) and the disposable email addresses are not verified by Tomba. They are automatically skipped and no verification request is counted.
No. The same requests are counted once per billing period.
You can invite as many user as needed. The team members will share the total number of searches and verifications included in the plan.
Search and verification requests are counted the same way wherever they are done, using the web app, the API, the browser extension, the Google Sheets add-on, the Microsoft Excel add-ins or any other products.
If you can't find the answer to your question here, visit the dedicated section in our Help Center.